Thursday, July 14, 2005

Keeping Up Appearances

Oh, you can be darn certain that all of Britain will take note of this and not be too happy about it at all. What message does this send to our allies?
BBC NEWS | UK | US forces lift London travel ban:
RAF Lakenheath
RAF Lakenheath was one of the bases affected
The US military has rescinded an order to its personnel to avoid London in the aftermath of the bombings.

Personnel, most of them from US Air Force units at RAF Mildenhall and RAF Lakenheath, in Suffolk, were told last week not to go within the M25 motorway.

But there was criticism that it sent out the wrong signals at a time when the emphasis was on 'business as usual' in London after the attacks.

The US embassy said the order had been reviewed and had now been lifted."

Yep... They see clearly through the BS of bush policies. At crucial times in history it is always important to send strong clear messages to your enemies and your allies.

The message the US has sent under the incompetent bush regime?

"We will stand by you... Until it becomes dangerous! Then we will cut and run."

Would it have been dangerous for the US to be seen "keeping up appearances" iin London with the ongoing threat of bombings? Yes! Clearly it would have been dangerous. But it is more dangerous to send this clear message to the Brits that we are selfish chickens that will will desert our allies and hide from disaster.

Another clear sign from that echoes the actions of a chickenhawk preznit that flew off to hide in a bunker when the US needed a leader in the White House.

The Brittish people noticed this. You can bet the entire world will take notice of this. There is no longer even the slightest appearance of integrity coming out of the White House when it comes to their support of covert operatives AND allies.

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