Friday, April 15, 2005

Bush gets low marks for sex appeal - Yahoo! UK & Ireland News

If it isn't enough that the guy is hated by half of America, 90% of the rest of the world and even his dogs don't like him, not to mention that even his pre-election supporters are leaving his side? I am thinking that being a 2 out of 10 in the eyes of women is right up there with "I don't want to ruin our friendship" and "I will be busy washing my hair that night". On other websites it is being suggested that this article is proof of why there will never be a "Lewinski" scandal coming out of bush's closet. I, on the other hand, believe that it lends further creedence to the possibility that we may yet find Jeff Gannon's "blew stained dress" hanging in bush's closet.

Bush gets low marks for sex appeal - Yahoo! UK & Ireland News: "Friday April 15, 06:52 AM

Bush gets low marks for sex appeal

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - He may be leader of the free world and Time magazine's 'Person of the Year,' but a new international survey of women makes certain that U.S. President George W. Bush is far from being the sexiest man alive.

In a recent online poll conducted by Esquire magazine, 11,000 women in 15 countries were asked to rate Bush's sex appeal on a scale of one to 10, and America's commander-in-chief failed to register much more than a two.

Women in Australia, Germany and the Netherlands were the harshest judges of George W.'s sexual allure, giving him an average rating of 1.4 each, Esquire said in its survey released earlier this week.

By contrast, Indonesian women were the most generous, giving Bush an average score of 2.2; American women found their president slightly less appealing, rating him a 2.1

Other countries contributing to the survey included Austria, Brazil, Britain, Israel, Italy, the Philippines, Russia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Bush has fared far better in other recent magazine rankings, having been named Time's 'Person of the Year' in December and making that magazine's list of the world's 100 most influential people this week.

But Esquire magazine's 'Global Survey of the Female Species' was not confined to questions about Bush.

Eighty-three percent of Italian women said they preferred sex to cuddling, for instance, compared to 63 percent of American women.

And while American women said it takes an average of 5.5 dates with a man before having sex with him, Swedish women said they would sleep with a man after 4 dates, the survey showed."

Isn't it great that fluff pieces like this get reported daily, yet we see no REAL NEWS being reported in American media anymore?

Life sucks... Too bad it doesn't swallow!

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