Monday, April 18, 2005 - Politics - Critics Question Screening Tactics at Bush Events

You know you are in it deep when your favorite propaganda machine turns on you and says your policy is un-American. The humor of faux news picking up this story only after half of bush's "Dismantle Social Security Tour" is over, and when people have been furious about being booted from these fake events since the very first scripted "townhall BS session" for bush's reckless privatization scam, and even further back when they were turned away from hearing a presidential candidate speak at GOP campaign rallies simply because they refused to sign the "Hypocrite Republican's Oath"... Sounds like something only a king-wanabe would demand AND something only a "tory" (the original American conservatives) would ever consider signing. - Politics - Critics Question Screening Tactics at Bush Events: "Critics say planners weed out those who disagree with Bush's policies and bar them from attending events"

bush won't even talk turkey with our patriotic soldiers unless they sign a waiver to promise loyalty to his reign of terror.

Yep, even the lowest of the low, the "Guckert/Gannon's" at faux news, look down on bush and his thug supporters now...

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